
Friday, May 13, 2011

Interview with Aaron Carman, Showhouse Support Staff (and dedicated husband)

How did you first become involved in this year’s Showhouse?
You made me…..I mean, graciously invited me to participate.
What was your favorite part of working on the project?
Going to Zaffiro’s afterward for a thin crust pizza and a beer.
Hmmm, sounds like we drew our inspiration from different sources….I really love how the paint color turned out, how about you? 
You know, I don’t have your vision for these sorts of things. It was definitely a brighter color than you normally work with, so I was a little unsure. But it really does look nice. The black ribbon made a big impact.
Yes, the black ribbon, that really clinched the room….
That was another idea that I didn’t totally get until it was up, but it looks really sharp. I appreciate it more now that I am no longer installing it.
Does the room inspire you to buy me some Tiffany Jewelry?
Umm, no. But I’ll buy you a Mocha at Starbucks.
That will work for me. Thanks again for supporting such a worthy cause….
I’ll always support you. 
And raising money for cancer research?
That’s a good cause too.